Collaboration A

Collaboration A

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There is a lot of value behind collaboration, especially in the healthcare field. Collaboration is important because it is not possible to care for a patient by yourself. Everybody is a piece to the puzzle and will bring different information and ideas to the table. With the help of everyone on the team, the patient will get the best care as possible.

2 thoughts on “Collaboration A

  1. Emily, this is very similar to my photo choice. Both of our pictures include more than one profession all working together. Your picture includes different health professionals all putting in a piece to complete the puzzle. Mine was more of a general teamwork/inter-professional vibe. I like how your photo resembled each profession bringing a different piece to the table to complete the whole picture. I see how this resembles collaboration to you. It made me about collaboration in a whole new way in which everyone brings a different skill to the table whereas my photo makes me think about collaborating larger ideas. Both of our posts resemble collaboration, but in different ways. Overall, good job!

    1. Thank you! It is great to see the difference in the way we think about collaboration. This brings me back to why I chose my photo, because I believe everyone sees things in a different way or looks at it from a different point of view. Relating this back to the patient, I believe the nurse would definitely see more sides of the patient and that is why the nurses’ input is crucial. Thank you for your comment!

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