How I Made a Difference
Emily Letellier
Professor Blais, Professor Holt
Adult Health 307
19, November 2021
How I Made a Difference
I was touched by many patients this semester during clinical and I feel many of my patients would feel the same about student nurses being around. I feel that I made a difference in one of my patients specifically, one week she was my patient so I did a full assessment and the following week I was able to be a part of the patient being discharged. I made a difference by just being there for that patient to talk to. It was exciting to see the motivation this patient had to get better and go back home. I think the motivation aspect is what allowed the patient to go home when they did. I answered many call bells for this patient, and they were very thankful each time that someone was there to help with what they needed. When it came time for this patient to go to any therapies, they would always let me know that they would be back. I think it was important for them to understand that someone thought of them and wanted to make sure they were safe at all times. I am sure that I am not the only nurse or nursing student that made a difference in this patient’s life but I feel I definitely made an impact. This patient was also intrigued that I was a student and was so happy for me, and happy that students had the opportunity to learn from their illness. The next week of clinical, when I came in the patient was ecstatic to tell me that everything I did helped with them being able to go home. It was very sweet that the patient thought I helped so much by just being there throughout their stay and getting them anything they needed or helping with certain activities. It was a wonderful experience to be a part of the patient’s discharge and actually being with the nurse when she walked the patient out to their family members.