Presenting Change
This project included multi smaller steps to come up with a final project in the end. I would say that our group learned a lot about what malnutrition is, what causes it, and how to help to prevent malnutrition in patients who might be in the hospital. We hope that this information will help other nurses on the unit that we had our clinicals on. We have not gotten any feedback from the audience that the infographics were distributed to. This is ok and understandable as nurses top priorities are their patients while they are at work and there may not have time to fill out a survey or look further into the infographics on the wall.
I learned a lot and not just about the information that we researched. I learned how to effectively communicate and work with other team members. I will use the information about malnutrition in my future to help prevent patients from developing malnutrition and to limit the time that they are in the hospital. As for working as a team, that will be done everyday in my future as you are never caring for the patient by yourself, you are always communicating and coming up with a plan with the whole interprofessional team. I would want a future employer to know that I am capable of completing evidenced based research to care for patients holistically with the best care of practice.
Our team process was simple, and it all started with communication. When working on the actual work we would mostly be together, chiming in our ideas and all working collaboratively. If we were on our on time, we made it aware that if anyone had questions or concerns that they could always reach out to the group. I discovered that I like to check in with everyone and see the progress and how everything is coming along.