Attaining and Protecting Your Professional Nursing License
I am not sure the exact state that I want to become licensed in, either Maine or New Hampshire. I am a resident of New Hampshire, so I will probably end up obtaining my license for New Hampshire. Both New Hampshire and Maine are Compact states. The application in New Hampshire is all completed on the web, and it does require an official transcript to be sent by the school. I did not see anything regarding a verification sign off. It appears that New Hampshire requires a criminal background check and fingerprinting. I am not 100% sure of the process but it looks like you can fill out a form for the background check and then either get your fingerprints live scanned or inked and they need to be sent in at the same time as the background check.
The New Hampshire Boar of Nursing states that you should file a complaint anytime that a qualifying licensee or licensed business is in violation of their profession’s rules and regulations or demonstration unethical practices. There are many steps that I am going to take to protect myself and my license when I begin practicing as a Registered Nurse. I will remain organized and take my time when completing things to avoid simple errors. I will also double check before any procedure that the proper consent is given prior to starting. If a patient refuses a treatment I will respect that and document it in the chart. I do not plan on performing malpractice or negligence. I am going to promise to myself that when I see a coworker or another employee acting in the wrong, abusing patients or practicing in an unsafe manner I will report it as we are mandated to do so. I do not plan on acting in the wrong or making errors, but accidents happen and you still need to be able to protect yourself and your license. You can do this by getting an insurance before beginning practicing in the field to cover you incase of something occurring.